The Wisdom of Our Foolish Gospel

How the Gospel Transcends Human Understanding and Expectations

Photo by Chris / Unsplash


In this article, we will delve into the thought-provoking sermon delivered by Voddie Baucham titled "The Wisdom of Our Foolish Gospel." Baucham's powerful message challenges our ideas about wisdom, faith, and the transformative power of the Gospel. From praying for God's grace to save lost sinners to debunking false teachings, Baucham offers profound insights that resonate deeply with believers and skeptics alike.

Praying for God's Grace and Prioritizing His Pleasure

Baucham starts his sermon by emphasizing the need for God's grace to help prioritize pleasing Him over compromising. As believers, Baucham urges us to seek our ultimate satisfaction in the person and work of Christ, even in the face of opposition from both Jews and Greeks. It is a reminder of the indispensability of God's grace in our lives and the importance of staying steadfast in our faith.

Acknowledging the Foolishness of the Cross

Baucham humbly acknowledges the foolishness of the cross, acknowledging that it contradicts human wisdom and understanding. However, he convincingly argues that the cross is not only their hope but also the only hope for every lost sinner. Baucham's heartfelt plea to God to save specific individuals underscores the urgency and significance of the Gospel in transforming lives.

The Greatness of God and the Sufficiency of the Gospel

Although Baucham acknowledges feeling helpless at times, he finds hope in the greatness of God and the sufficiency of the gospel. It is a reminder that, despite the challenges and doubts we may face, God's power and mercy are greater than any of our circumstances. Baucham's words inspire listeners to embrace the transformative power of the gospel and find hope in the sovereignty of God.

Divisions and the Perception of the Gospel

Baucham draws attention to divisions that arise not based on personal preferences, but on who is perceived to make the world resemble the speaker. He expresses surprise and confusion when famous actors, musicians, or athletes profess their faith in Christ. Baucham debunks the misconception that the faith of a famous person will automatically change the views of non-believers. On the contrary, he claims that non-believers may simply stop being fans of the famous person, highlighting the complexity of sharing the gospel in the modern world.

The Simplicity of the Gospel and the Folly of Human Wisdom

In this portion of the sermon, Baucham discusses the idea that understanding the gospel does not require high IQ, extensive education, wealth, or status. He emphasizes that the wisdom of God is not understood through human wisdom but rather through the folly of what is preached. Baucham draws on the distinction between Jews demanding signs and Greeks seeking wisdom, stressing the significance of preaching Christ crucified, which may be a stumbling block to some and folly to others.

Overtly Religious vs. Covertly Religious Individuals

Baucham highlights the difference between overtly religious people and covertly or dishonestly religious people. He points out that the gospel is often offensive to overtly religious individuals who rely on their own righteousness. By exploring this contrast, Baucham encourages listeners to discern between a genuine relationship with God and superficial religiosity.

Lee Strobel's Transformation and the Wisdom of the Wise

Through the story of Lee Strobel, the famous atheist turned Christian author and pastor, Baucham illustrates how God challenges the wisdom of the wise. Strobel's attempts to disprove Christianity, with the help of various experts, lead him to an overwhelming amount of evidence contradicting his beliefs. This powerful anecdote, rooted in Strobel's personal experiences, demonstrates God's ability to confound human wisdom and bring even the most ardent skeptics to faith.

Understanding God's Wisdom and the Perception of the World

Baucham draws on 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 to delve deeper into the concept of God's wisdom and the perception of the world. The passage speaks of God's destruction of the wisdom of the wise and the thwarting of the discernment of the discerning. Baucham challenges listeners to question the whereabouts of the wise, scribes, and debaters, suggesting that God has made their wisdom foolish. Baucham posits that God reveals Himself on His own terms, rendering human intelligence or status insufficient to grasp His wisdom fully.

Remaining Steadfast in the Truth

Inspired by 2 Timothy 4:1-5, Baucham exhorts Timothy, and by extension, the audience, to passionately hold on to the Gospel. He warns of a time when people will not tolerate sound teaching and will seek teachers who cater to their desires. By urging Timothy to be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, and fulfill his ministry, Baucham emphasizes the importance of remaining steadfast in the truth, even when others are led astray by false teachings.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Q1: How can we prioritize pleasing God over compromising?

A1: Baucham emphasizes the need for God's grace and encourages prayer for His guidance and strength. He reminds us that finding ultimate satisfaction in the person and work of Christ is crucial to resisting compromise.

Q2: Why is it important to preach Christ crucified?

A2: According to Baucham, preaching Christ crucified is essential because it clarifies the hope, redemption, and transformative power of the Gospel. It challenges human wisdom and reveals the folly of relying on our own righteousness.

Q3: How can we effectively communicate the Gospel to non-believers?

A3: Baucham advises against relying on the faith of famous individuals to change non-believers' views. Instead, he advocates for engaging in meaningful conversations, presenting the truth of the Gospel, and relying on the Holy Spirit to work in the hearts of non-believers.

Q4: What significance does God's wisdom hold, and how does it differ from human wisdom?

A4: Baucham emphasizes that God's wisdom is not understood through human intellect or status. Instead, it is embraced through the folly of what is preached, challenging the notions of intelligence or education as prerequisites for understanding His wisdom.

Q5: How can we remain steadfast in our faith amid false teachings?

A5: Baucham encourages believers to diligently study and understand the Scriptures, holding fast to the truth of the Gospel. He advises against seeking out teachers who cater to personal desires and urges endurance, sober-mindedness, and the work of an evangelist.


Voddie Baucham's sermon, "The Wisdom of Our Foolish Gospel," provokes thought and inspires believers to embrace the transformative power of the Gospel. Through examples, personal anecdotes, and biblical passages, Baucham challenges our preconceived notions, reminding us of the greatness of God and the sufficiency of the Gospel. As we navigate a world that often considers the Gospel foolishness, Baucham's sermon urges us to stand firm in our faith, relying on God's grace and wisdom to guide our journey.